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Family Cases

In family law cases involving domestic violence whether emotional, physical and/or financial. We work in partnership with legal practitioners and we do pro bono referrals to domestic violence support services. We do not charge for domestic violence cases. If there is paperwork for public payments we charge a modest admin fee. We have experience both…

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Estate Cases

FIOS consultants work with solicitors to mitigate or reduce the liability of pensioners who are on non contributory old age pension, and who may have accumulated assets and savings during the time they were on the pension. FIOS consultants succeeds in doing this by looking at how the assets and savings were accumulated and then…

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Social Insurance Case

We had a case involving a gentleman who was in receipt of a greatly reduced Old Age Pension. We investigated the case and found that the client had been subject to identity theft in the 1970’s. A person unknown had been employed under his social insurance number. We provided proof or error and omissions and…

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